
Moving Day

So my mom did an extraordianrily wonderful thing the last couple months while I was away at college, which was buying a house.

As fun and exciting as this is, it brings with it the prospect of moving. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually thoroughly enjoys moving, but as someone who has done it 6 times within the past three years, I've gotten to see the silver lining of moving-- you get to get rid of stuff.

We all have a ton of stuff that's clogging up the backs of closets, taking over drawers and collecting dust on our entertainment centers, and when we move, we finally have a legitimate reason to get rid of it.

So, Sunday morning after church, my lovely friends, who had nothing better to do, offered to help me move all the large things we had yet to move, like the flat screen tv, the refrigerator, large furniture and pieces, and anything else we could fit in the back of the truck. I have to stop for a moment and say that I do in fact have the greatest adn most wonderful friends on the face of the planet, because they logged in countless hours of moving and saved my mom and me a TON on handyman repairs. Such as... Drew fixed our dryer, drove around town to three different stores looking for the part we needed to replace one our breakers (and replaced it, shocking himself in the process) while Mike fixed out water, hooked up the icemaker, and fixed the washing machine. All in all, they saved us at least 500 dollars worth of work. It helps to have an electrician and a plumber for best friends.

The greatest part of this though, was that I didn't really have to ask. When my plans for the afternoon were moving, it quickly became everyone's plans. I can remember moving countless times in tennessee and always being afraid to ask for help and ending up just moving it all by myself. But here... I have 4 of the best friends in the world (along with their respective entourages) to count on.

So moving day was an all day event, ending with pizza ordered in, season-finale watching of LOST on new, leather auto-reclining couches, and merengue dancing.

And to think.... I am willfully choosing to leave all of this for Honduras.

(Post- Script) The night fully ended with Ricky being trapped in a closet convinced it was the bathroom.

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