
Day 17: Dia de Amistad

Today our school had a HUGE Valentines Day celebration! This is great because Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Something about love and the massive amounts of candies and flowers just makes my heart swoon. In Honduras, today is considered more of a day of love and friendship instead of just romantic love. So, we invited all of the childrens parents to come and celebrate with us at the school.

We started out the day with a special chapel, all about the love of Christ and how He died for us. Then, we had parents come up and sit in chairs, while their kids stood behind them and fed them jello and watermelon. Most of the food ended up on clothes rather than in mouths. It was so funny to watch all the parents scream and giggle while competing with their kids.

Afterwards, we had this precious little bike race, where the boys raced across the schoolyard and grabbed little ribbons from the post that had certain girls names on them. Whichever girl they picked gave them a hug and some chocolate. It was absolutely the cutest things to watch them shyly hug and handover the boys rewards.

We also had little handmade valentines that the kids could buy and send to one another or to their parents, so it was great practice for me to sit and write little messages in Spanish like "Te queiro mucho" and such.

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