
Day 15: Rio

In my 3rd grade science class we've been learning about pollution. We talked about polluting the air, the land and of course, the water. IN our book it talks all about why humans need water (for drinking, bathing, and of course... cooling off.) This last one I had never really thought about before. Sure, during the summer time in Florida, we all flock to the pools for cooling off.... but the reality of it is, we have air conditioning to keep us cool, we don't necessarily need water for that.

In Honduras however, there is no air conditioning. If you really want to cool off, the river is the best place to do that. So, on extraordinarily hot days, like today, that is exactly what we do.

We have about 5 rivers within a 5 mile radius of our little pueblo, but we like going to one that's a little more private and on protected grounds. There are a few people who live around here, and they have been living here for generations, which is the only reason the government lets them stay.

Rio Cummen is a beautiful little river nestled between a couple of the mountains. This place is literally the most gorgeous place I have ever swam. The water was clear and he fish swam right up to you.

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