
Day 11: La Ceiba

So, the clan met Celeste up in La Ceiba today after her class. We all wanted to see a movie, plus we had to get some groceries, so we hopped in the van for a day trip.

Michael had mentioned La Ceiba as the place where you take the boat from to get to the island of Roatan, so I was pretty excited to see it for myself.

La Ceiba has a mall. I have not been so excited to see a mall since I was about 10. There was an Applebee´s and crazy stores, annnnd, my favorite.... an Abercrombie & Fitch knock off. (This was priceless.)

So, it gets to be three and we make our way over to the movie theater inside the mall, only to find out that it's actually showing in the other theater across the street, have I mentioned yet that it is POURING rain today? I´m wearing flip flops, so naturally I slip and fall, crushing my soda with my hand and causing it to spill all over me. We keep walking the 10 minutes to the other theater in the rain, only to find out we are the only ones who have showed up for the movie.

In America, we need to only sell one movie ticket in order for the movie to play... here... it doesn't work that way. So, now we are soaked for absolutely nothing. We walk back over to the mall and deicde to see the Accidental Husband. Let me just put out there that I have already seen this... over two years ago... but movies in Honduras... they run late. Also, they don't even care if you have sound. The sound kept running in and out and no apologies were made. In America... putting up would this would earn you a free movie ticket. (America is seriously the best country in the world.)

After the torture of the day, Celeste bought me a donut. (When you've been eating tortillas and beans for more than week, and desperately missing your best friends´ dad cooking, a dona is a happy little creature to lift your spirits and help you carry on.)

Afterwards, we go grocery shopping. With a 2 and 3 year-old, this is an impossible and exhausting task. Driving home with a 2 and 3 year-old also happens to be muy cansado when they're running, climbing all over and accidentally hitting you in the face.

I go to bed about 10, thinking that this long exhausting is finally over and the peace of sleep awaits. Just after 11, Sully bursts into our room (this happens quite frequently in the middle of the night) and she's muttering something in spanish i can't understand, but my subconcious understands there´s a reason to be afraid. I finally wake Celeste up enough to translate and she tells me Sully got stung by a scorpion and falls back over asleep.

I rush into Sully's room to make sure she's ok and I find her searching for the scorpion, convinced its still in her bed. I help her look for a couple moments before I spot it in the corner, and Sully is nearly in tears because she's so scared. I throw on Sully's boots, command Vicky to fetch me a bowl, a plate and some napkins, tell Sully to get the Raid, and hop on the bed determined to catch the creature that hurt my precious Sully. So, I make a quick plan in my head, in case my foot misses and I start creeping my way to the corner of the bed. I was my boot and SQUISH! The creature es MUERTA! Never in my life have I ever killed a scorpion, or even seen one so big, but now it is pasted in my journal, proof of my purpose and bravery.

After the scorpion is good and dead and mounted, I search my medicine cabinet for the right amount and combinations of meds to try and take away Sully's pain. I walk into the kitchen, give her strict instructions, then tuck her into the couch, since she refuses to sleep in her bed.

Now, finally... my day is over.

1 comment:

  1. lol...when we were in Venezuela, Michael Irwin thought it was awesome that the front desk had DVDs you could check out at the hotel. He came to my room shortly after cracking up. They were bootleg movies filmed with someone's personal video camera in the theater. Every once in awhile, someone would get up and walk in front of the camera. He said they were using their cell phone to beep out cuss words. lol
