
Day 28: Not all wonderful

So, So, even though I get to spend my days hanging out with kids and playing football, and my weekends climbing mountains and swimming in rivers, this does not in fact mean that life is all cupcakes and roses here in Honduras. So I'll take this moment to squash any little ideas of jealously about my life that you may in fact be having. So, here's the little list that I like to call

The Suffering of Summer (or, How God is Making Me Grow.)

1. I do not even remember what hot water feels like. Every nerve in my body is being constantly desensitized by cold showers. A cold shower every now and then does everyone a little good... but everyday? And it's not just kind-of-cold water. This is ice cold. The kind of cold that literally takes your breath away when it hits you.
2. Food. Oh, how I miss food. Everyday I have some kind of tortilla at a meal, along with some refried beans, rice and Honduran Cheese. The Cheese is the worst part of all. Hondurans make their own cheese, and they do not realize it from prolonged exposure and desensitized taste buds, but it does in fact smell like waste and taste absolutely rotten. And they put it on everything and eat it with every meal. Even though my stomach may be growling at me, the minutes it smells that cheese any trace of hunger is gone. I have a secret little list of all the foods I'm going to eat when I get home like Papa Johns Pizza, cookie dough, and sour patch kids)
3. We have no good cooking utensils. The handle on our frying pan is broken, so you can't pick it up, or when you do and it has hot oil in it, it spills and splashes and burns you. We have one good spoon and fork, the rest are falling apart. We do not have a spatula, so if we want to flip pancakes, or anything like that, we have to do it with a big plastic spoon.
4. I have to hand wash my own clothes. We have a little basin outside with a washboard and a bar of soap and that's where I wash my clothes. Not so fun. Also, they have to dry on a line outside. This I'm used to, because I enjoy being eco-friendly and trying to save the environment, but line-drying clothes is impossible when it rains for a week straight. It's not hot enough for clothes to dry so they just stay wet hanging outside. Taunting us with their clean-ness.
5. I walk or take a bus everywhere. This isn't so bad, but it's weird not being able to have a car and go anywhere I want whenever I want.
6. The trash. Oh, my the trash. We don't have outdoor trash cans, so we put it out on the porch and hope that we're home when the trash man comes. Usually, by the time that happens there are maggots everywhere and it smells utterly repulsive and we cry when we have to take it out. Also, the trash man comes whenever he wants. There is no designated time or day, it's just kind of whenever he feels like picking it up.
7. There is no air conditioning, anywhere in anyplace at any given moment that I am.

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