
Day 6: Typical Day at School

So this new school where I'm spending 5 months of my vida is in the little town of San Juan Pueblo. Altogther this place is probably about 10 miles long I think, but most people will just describe it to you as "It begins at the river and ends at the gas station." I absolutely love this. I love places that are so small that everyone has to know everyone's name and business. I have always wanted to live in a place like that. However, in most of these day dreams, I also spoke the language and could communicate with more than just my smile. I'll take what I can get though. This is just one more check off of my Life Goals List. This is picture of just one mountain you can see from teh school. This one is in fact San Juan Mountain, which our city is named for, but it's only one of a string of mountains that surrounds the south side of the school.

San Juan has one street that runs through it. It is the only paved road in our little town, and from it subseqent little dirt roads pop off to lead to various casas y pulperias. Nosotros tenamos mucho de pequeños pulperias en nuestro pueblo. There is one on practically evrey corner. Although, I am practically a pulperia in myself. I am constantly providing things left and right para my roommates.

You need a guitar capo?
Well fancy that, I have one right here.

Hey, I´m a walking pharmacy.

My school serves some of the more wealthier kids in town. The parents pay ridiculous wages in Honduran terms for them to go the school. It winds up being less than $40 American per month, but for most Hondurans that can be a whole years wages. They show up in nice, new Japanese cars and get to wear the newest latest clothes.

There are those precious few though, who are here on scholarship alone. Thanks to the benevolence of some Americans, they get to have a wonderful education their parents never dreamed of being able to give them. These are the ones who have my captured my heart. The funniest thing about this though, is that they found me before I even had time to find them.

So, everyday except Wednesday I teach reading to K-3 and K-4. They are absolutely precious and I love working with them, so I pretty volunteer in there, whenever I'm not teaching other classes.
Mondays, I teach math to 1st and 2nd graders.
Tuesdays, I teach math and science to 1st grade.
Wesnesdays, I teach Handwriting to 1st grade and Science to 3rd grade.
Thursdays, I teach science and Art to 3rd grade, and Art and Music to 2nd grade
Fridays, I teach music and reading to 1st grade.

I pretty much come home everyday with paint underneath my fingernails, peeling glue off my hands, and brushing dirt off my clothes.

I wouldn´t have it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. Summer, I felt the same way! I teared up when reading this. Our scholarship children were the sweetest children and the very ones that found me first!! God is so good!!!
