
Day 25: In which I am given hope

We all question our life sometimes.

Are we doing the right thing? Are we being the right person? Are we in the right place?

These questions are mulled in my mind on more than one occasion each week, and today, while questioning my place and purpose I was given a little ray of hope, a little piece of God smiling down at me saying " This is where and how it is supposed to be."

This was on the side of one of my kids desks. I thought of you Lindsay.

1 comment:

  1. So cool! You know, my cousin, Danny Murray, bought those from an auction (I believe they were from Mayfield Elementary) for us before we had even gone to Honduras. Not only did God know we needed them & where we would use them...He knew that you would be there and need to see that sticker! Isn't that AWESOME!! Love you!
