
Day 12: Superbowl and Crazy/Love

I was the first one up this morning for almost an hour, which was perfect for my Crazy/Love devotion? study? reading? I'm not really sure what to call it.

I really like what Chan mentioned about worry and stress. It is so easy to take on the weight of our lives alone. We tend to trust and rely on only ourselves when it comes to our responsibilities. We stop trusting God. I felt a lot of this last night. After the scorpion incident, I was terrified of finding one in my bed. I kept tossing adn turning and searching underpillows and blankets convinced I was going to find one. When in relaity, I should have trusted that whether or not I got stung, God would protect me and no matter what happened, He would be glorified, and that is all that matter. Not my safety or my comfort, but His glory.

The End.

Today was Superbowl 44.
Vicky was excited.
She´s one of those girls that knows tons of great superbowl stats and stories, and honestly, the way she talks about it makes it sound lke the coolest thing. She has a way of telling stories that immediately draws you in and makes you want to learn. We watched some of the greatest clips from past Superbowls, and she was full of great, fun litle facts, and completely made Sully and Celeste fall in love with the game. She even made me fall in lvoe a little bit too. I think next season I'm going to make an effort to watch the games and learn more about football. It seems so interesting now.

The best part of this though, is that I have some weird kind of sixth sense for Big Games like this (proof: I once won 100 bucks by calling the score and winner of the BCS Championship at my school) Anyways... the score is 17-24, and Vicki is predicting how the Colts are going to score and it will go into overtime, since they have to ball and are getting closer to their endzone. I just kind of laugh and say that the Saints will intercept, score again and the Colts will have no shot and catching up. Game over. I walk back into my room and start talking to my mom when they come in screaming¨"How did you know? They did it!"

I just have a sense.


  1. Oh, my goodness! I know the feeling. I woke up one night after a scorpian bit me in the bed (in FL) and still check under the covers (when I'm not home)to this day.

    The whole "to His glory" proud of you! Some people live their whole life and don't get a hold of that. Living in peace, complete trust is life-changing! :)

  2. Hey girl

    Sounds like the adventure continues. You are truly living a life of significance. In the midst of that journey it often feels like an uphill rocky road. Be encouraged today! Even though you are walking the road less traveled and that may be difficult at times. There is no purer act of service to God than to throw your life with abandon into the purpose he has for you, no matter what the cost.

    "God's will for us is less about our comfort than it is about our contribution. God would never choose for us safety at the cost of significance. God created you so that your life would count, not so that you could count the days of your life." Erwin McManus

    We are sooooo proud of you. Keep the FAITH!!! We love you!!!

