
Day 5: Crazy/Love

So, currently back in the States, my wonderful friends and Sunday school group is going through the book "CrazyLove" by Francis Chan. Thanks to Pastor Matt's benevolence, I have my own copy with me in Honduras and plan on working my way through it with them. Only... without all the great questions and discussions... plus I'm not really sure how they're working thorugh the book, but I'm taking it at one chapter a week, which I plan to read on Sunday as a way to keep my home church in my life.

Chapter One was about stop praying and speaking at God, and to sit and listen and worship him. The part that I found most interesting and thought-provoking was the part about God as all-powerful.

It mentions specifically that we "live as though God was created for us, to do our bidding, to bless us, and to take care of our loved ones." This struck me because it's something that I think you forget to think about it. We go to God with our troubles, our worry and see it as his job to fix and take care of his mess that we've created for ourselves. When in reality, we were created for him. Our lives are for him. They way we live... he created that life. And yet we focus on ourselves. We ask God to do things in our lives... we have the audacity to call it our own life, when it's really all His.

That's it.
That's probably all I would have said in Sunday School.
I really liked that part.

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