
Day 3: Samir's and Bolleyball

So today, I observed once again in the classes before I have my official assignment next week of where and what I'll be teaching.

After school today we had a Mother's gathering, where the Mom´s of the school came and Jennifer got to speak to them about the importance of motherhood and she entranced all of them, as she usually does at any speaking engagement because she is just so wonderfully pure at heart.) It was nice to get to meet all the mothers and grandmothers of our little children.

Tonight, another one of the children's mothers here wants to treat us to something so we're invited to dinner and a volleyball game. I am already super amped at what my time here in Honduras will be like because we are being constantly rewarded by our students parents.

We went over to Samir's house about 7, but of course dinner was not ready then. Hondurans have a relaxed sense of time which I am going to enjoy thoroughly. Celeste, Vicky and I waited in the living room with Samir, watching Spanish disney channel (seriously, my life is simply amazing), while Samir's mom cooked us a vegetarian spanish meal. We had fried plaintains with lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado with a side of boiled egg for protein.

I am very lucky that I like plaintains, or I would be in a lot of trouble here. These people eat plaintains o platanos, todo el tiempo.

Samir's dad is a carpenter, and has his shop in the front of the house, so there's wood everywhere, which I loved, just because I think there's something utterly intoxicating about the smell of wood. He made a beautiful floral carving on the door to their house, which I sneakily took a picture of because it was so incredibly beautiful.

So, after our delicious meal, we head to the church across the street (where Samir's dad also made the doors,adn they are also quite beautiful, but I couldn't get a picture of) to play a game of bolleyball. (I love the way spanish people pronounce their 'v's as 'b's.)

The church plays volleyball every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They invite everyone in the community to play and it can get pretty intense. These people are serious about winning (so naturally I sat out this go round, I don't want them to realize just how terrible I am.) Even though it can be pretty hardcore, they slow things down in the middle of the tournament to share the Word with the players, which I just think is so neat.

Celeste and Vicki, both played in the games. (Vicky doing wonderful, since she's the ideal natural athlete, and Celeste doing terrible, because she's wonderfully awkward just like me.) We all had a great time and I had mr first conversation in Spanish!!
I was so incredibly proud to have a full conversation in spanish on my third day here that my heart nearly leaped from my chest with joy. Granted, this conversation was with a 5 year-old, and only consisted of me answering two questions she asked, but I understood every word and that for me is enough.

End of Day 3 = Summer still in a wonderful state of bliss.

1 comment:

  1. It's unbelievable how many different ways plantains can be cooked! ;)
