
Being Buried Alive

I love coming up with clever titles.

I've always been jealous of those people who come up with the witty one-line newspaper headlines, because summing up in one sentence is just not my thang . I'm much better at the details and the story. All that to say... you will soon see the cleverness of my title.

Yesterday, I went with the bff to pick up her kid from the babysitters. While waiting in the living room for the dear little one's diaper to be changed, a tv commercial caught my attention as it was a preview for a new show called "the Buried Life." Normally, I see anything that airs on MTv to be positively beneath me since the cultural aptitude of the station is less than desirable. However, it seems MTv has taken a change of heart when it comes to this new show.

"The Buried Life" follows four canadian boys (swoon... already got you hooked, eh?) in their quest for accomplishing their life goals. Sounds kind of selfish at first, right? But accomplishing their goals isn't just what they're about. For every one goal that they accomplish, they help a stranger accomplish one of their own. (Now the real swooning begins.)

People helping people.

That's one of my favorite things in the world. Not only are they sucking the marrow out of life, they're inspiring others to start living as well.

So... what's on your list? What do you want to accomplish before you die? Will you live the Buried Life or be buried alive?

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