
Day 48: Day of Epic Failure

So, we've had a team from Southeastern University staying and working at the school for the past week, so we decided to treat them to a nice snorkeling say at Punta Sal.

We get up at 5, in order to be ready and at the bus stop by 6, so we can be in Tela by 7. We get to Tela and the weather is something awful. There's clouds for miles, no sun in sight and its just started sprinkling. We met up with the man who is supposed to take us in his boat out to the peninsula and he tells us that there are 14 foot swells. He'll take us out there, but he won't come back to get us. So, snorkeling is now out of the question.

We then revert of Plan B which is Telamar. Telamar is a nice resort with a private beach, that is basically super touristy and muy riche. So, we decide to buy the buffet in order to gain entrance, which gives us access to the private beach, and it costs about 300 lempira. Yikes. That's about 16 for one meal. That's expensive in America, so here in Honduras, it is extremely expensive. Oh, and it's about 8 o'clock now, so we have 3 hours until the buffet start.

We waste time playing football on the beach, drinking from coconuts, mingling with some local sellers and enjoying the sauna. Eleven finally rolls around and we stroll over to the dining hall to find out that they are not serving the buffet today. Oh... and we already paid for this buffet. So, now we're stuck trying to figure out how to get our money back. After parading around some mad faces and demanding we get our money back, we stroll out of the resort and head to El Progreso.

It was a day of continual epic failure.

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