
Today was the first morning I'd been to church in awhile. A couple weeks ago I stayed up ridiculously late watching the last two seasons of LOST and wound up messing up my sleep schedule for what seemed like eternity. So, today my schedule finally allowed for church in the morning.

So... little did I know that going to church this morning would involve much more attention than I ever wanted. Everyone seemed to already know that I'm leaving for Honduras...

And anyone I could ever want to tell would already know by the end of service. How, you ask? Because Pastor called me out.
In the middle of service.
He calls out my name, walks down from the stage and starts talking to me, or about me rather. It was completely unnerving. I've never had that happen before and wasn't quite sure how to react. Here pastor is, in front of me, talking about my future and the decisions I'm making (because it relates to his message) and I feel like I'm about to throw up.

So he announces to everyone that "Summer is going to the mission field."
Mission Field? I'd never really thought about it that way.
"Summer's going to live in Honduras and teach english at the school we built."
[insert gasps and "Oh my gawhs" here]

I never really thought about what I'm doing as being Mission Work. I think it's because it scares me when I look at it in those terms. To me, missions always seemed like you needed to "win over souls for Christ." Thinking about it that way, kind of intimidates me. Am I responsible enough to be someone's leader in Christianity? Am I a missionary?

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