

It's weird to think about coming home. I figured the last time I left Cleveland, I would drive away trying to fight off the flooding memories, and as I did I realized one thing: Change doesn't hurt, it's the memory that does. It reminded me of something I read about by the man named UG. UG was a man who rejected the basis of thought, a philosopher of sorts if that's possible, and he was Indian, which just makes him the perfect sort of guru for my life. He once said:
"There is no such thing as death. What you have are ideas about death, ideas which arise when you sense the absence of another person. Your own death, or the death of your near and dear ones, is not something you can experience. What you actually experience is the void created by the disappearance of another individual and the unsatisfied demand to maintain the continuity of your relationship with that person for a non-existent eternity."
This reminds me of moving. If I'm sad, it's because I am experiencing a void, nothing more, nothing less.

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