
Calling Baton Rouge

This past weekend, I undertook driving 8 hours one way to see a dear old friend/professor of mine for the weekend. Crazy? Almost. The distance from Cleveland, TN to Baton Rouge, LA is the same as driving home for me... which I would never think to do in a weekend. However, spending some good old-fashioned quality down time with an old friend seemed like a good payoff for the trip, especially since I'll be leaving next weekend and won't be able to see her anymore.

4 suitcases, one dog, and Google directions and we were on our way!

Jason, the aforementioned ex-professor and current dear friend was kind enough to make up a nice little to-do list of things we MUST do while in Baton Rouge, of which included: eating beignets (quite scrumptious), eating crawfish, crab, and GATOR (yikes). I'm from Florida, home to the Gators, and never have I thought to undertake that.

We also went to a cute little Whole Foods store where Jason does all of his grocery shopping, since the rain had prevented us from accomplishing other things on our to-do list.

Fresh Cranberries! And Celery soda? yep. I hear it's not too bad though.

Did I mention one of the main reasons of this trip was to see New Moon?
Almost certainly
But Jason and Ali and I have a tradition of seeing the movies together... so we did. :)

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