
Auld Laud Sang

New Year.

So, I think I like what New Year's Eve does to people (not counting the drinking and bad decisions of course). There's a feeling of hope about the year to come that radiates in the air, igniting a fire within us. "This will be the year," we think. The year for whatever we have been waiting. Because in fact... our entire lives have been leading up to this moment... this year. I like making lists, having goals; it's something I do on a daily basis, so New Years Resolution's are right up my alley. So here's my list: I'll keep you updated on when I accomplish these things. (in no particular order)

#1- Be a vegan for two weeks
#2- Be a vegetarian for two weeks
#3- Learn the names of flowers
#4- Learn calligraphy
#5- Visit a scientology church and get a personality quiz
#6- Complete 26 things photo scavenger hunt
#7- Get a tarot card reading
#8- Climb the Ocala National Bank
#9- Put a message in a bottle and send it to sea
#10- Try Miracle berries
#11- Go to a roller derby
#12- Write letters
#13- Carve my name in a tree
#14- Listen to all songs on Rolling Stone's Top 500
#15- Run through Harry's kitchen and out the front
#16- Send all fo my close friends cards on their birthdays this year
#17- Attempt to like Hot Tea
#18- Leave Operation Beautiful Notes every public place I go
#19- Complete the 100 Strangers challenge
#20- Read all of Shakespeares works
#21- Keep a one-sentence journal
#22- Call customer service just to thank them for good service.
#23- Watch more than one movie at the cinema, but only pay for one.
#24- Do not play it safe at restaurants.
#25- Answer 50 questions that will free your mind- one a week
#26- Watch 26 foreign films/ documentaries alphabetically
#27- Leave inspirational notes in random books at the library (maybe in the self-help section)
#28- Get my conceal and carry permit
#29- See Phantom of the Opera Live
#30- Buy a pair of Toms Shoes
#31- Guerilla Art random places
#32- Learn to count cards
#33- Use only recyclable bags when shopping
#34- Always ring flat 203 downtown on the square
#35- Send my mom flowers at work
#36- Read 10,000 pages
#37- Run a 5k with no walking breaks
#38- Participate in Thrill the World- Oct 24th!!!
#39- Participate in the Zombie Pub Crawl
#40- Spend more time at the river
#41- Run the Muddy Buddy Race
#42- Go to a Medieval Festival

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