

I think newness is important in life.
I think it's necessary.
Life would go on never changing if it didn't exist.
I have officially spent over one year purposefully changing my life.
-I no longer spend more than 10 minutes on styling my hair a day.
-I started getting up early on a regular basis.
-I made an effort to cross things off of my Life Goals List.
-I conciously spent my time making sure I was a positive influence on people.
-I now know one person better than anyone else does, and he knows me best too.
-I let myself get hurt. (Much different that 'i got hurt')

So now it's time for new goals. Time for new change. So what am I doing now?
I am...
-not letting one person be responsible for so much of my happiness.
-planning a future only for me
-training for a 5k, that I will complete
-committing myself to growth
-spend a little more time making sure I look presentable
-get rid of material things
-read more books



Life has been so incredible as of lately. I'm not entirely sure if it's that life is great, or that I'm so surprised that I am happy almost constantly. A new friendship has bloomed, and it has made me feel so incredibly fulfilled. New opportunities have emerged, that just months ago I never would have thought possible. I am reminded in this moment that world keeps turning; life keep happening. It doesn't always happen how we think it will, but it happens nonetheless. And when things aren't the greatest, they have only the potential to get great, and that's something to hope for.