
spanglish and salsa

Sometimes I forget that there are bigger things in life. I get caught up in my feelings, and let them distort the world around me. Today I had one of those humbling moments, or as I like to see it- one of God's subtle reminders that He should in fact be the center, not me. Tonight I spent over an hour hanging out with tons of Latinos. It was amazing to be caught up in the middle of Spanglish and Salsa. There was Puerto Rico, Panama, Peru, Cuba, Mexico and Chile all represented and it was amazing to me to see such a connection. I was thoroughly enjoying spending time struggling with what little spanish I know trying to communicate with them. When I got home I got a friend request from a young girl from Honduras. She's likely one of the girls I'll be working with when I move there in january, and this small little request made me remember; remember that there's more pressing things in the world than my own happiness.


A start

“While yet alive, before their tints had faded, they glistened like the fairest flowers, the product of primitive rivers; and he could hardly trust his senses, as he stood over them, that these jewels should have swam away.”

This a quote by Henry David Thoreau that I've been in love with the past year. It may not seem like much, because it doesn't give you a warm, fuzzy feeling deep down inside and its not incredibly thought-provoking and it doesn't change the way you look at life, but I think there's beauty in the fact that you have to search for it. For me, it is life. It's about how precious and short it is, but that there's beauty right up until the end. It's about how we change and learn and grow throughout our lives. And its about twilight, its about that magical moment that exists right before it ends, and so it only seems appropriate to start this blog here. For I am in the twilight, while yet alive...